Ankle Injury

Acute and chronic foot and ankle injuries are common amongst people of all age groups and activity levels. It is particularly common in people who are active in sports, whether it be recreational or professional. We specialise in accurate diagnosis of your injury with the help of our podiatric, physio and radiology team.

An indication of a foot or ankle issue can include:

  • Sharp / Stabbing pain
  • Deep aching ankle feeling chronically bruised
  • Popping
  • Instability
  • Swelling with pain
  • Locking of the joint

Foot and ankle injuries are typically managed conservatively where you should rest, ice, compress and elevate (RICE). However, further treatment can be suggested, which is why it is important to see a podiatric specialist to review and manage your treatment pathway.

Following your assessment it is likely that an X-ray or MRI will be required to assess the degree of damage.

Treatments may include:


In order to promote healing and avoid further treatment / intervention, an air cast boot may be provided to keep the area immobile during activity.

Physiotherapy and strengthening

Once adequate healing has taken place our podiatric team may provide you with strengthening exercises. This again can help promote healing and reduce the risk of a repeat injury.

Orthotics, Bracing & Taping

Following an injury, your foot / ankle may become unstable. Your podiatric specialist may advise on custom orthotics following a gait analysis. The orthotics can help improve foot stability and reduce the risk of a repeated injury.

Steroid and Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections

If pain persists in your foot / ankle then your specialist may advise on either a steroid or PRP injection.

Typically the choice of substance for a steroid injection will be Cortisone, the steroid can reduce swelling and pain in your foot / ankle. It acts like a hormone, which is made naturally in your body and stops inflammation.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses your body’s own blood plasma with concentrated platelets. The platelets contain growth factors that repair and regenerate damaged tissue. By injecting your own platelets into the affected area the platelets will promote faster healing to the region.

Surgical Management

If symptoms persist, or you have a repeated or severe injury, then surgery may be suggested. Please click here to find out more on common surgical options.


Our clinic is open as usual.
We are offering face to face appointments, as well as virtual consultations to help minimise risk of Covid-19 exposure.

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