Plantar Wart Surgery

Verruca Removal Surgery

If more conservative measures fail to resolve your verrucae, surgical removal may be recommended. There are many ways to achieve this, at our clinic this will typically involve either of the following:

Verruca Excision is a minor surgical procedure used to remove plantar warts.

The procedure involves the use of local anesthetic to numb the area. Following this the verruca is scraped away using a curette. Depending on the size of the verruca a small stitch may be used while the area heals.

A Verruca Excision be carried out in an out-patient setting, meaning you can return home the same day with no overnight stay in hospital.

Recovery can take between 1- 2 weeks, depending on the number and size of the verrucae.

Electrosurgery can be used to treat Verrucae if over-the-counter treatments have failed to resolve the problem. It is a minor surgery that makes use of a machine called a Hyfrecator.

Hyfrecation involves the use of electrical current to burn away the verrucae. This is often used in conjunction with surgical excision; the wart is excised surgically and any remaining wart is then removed with the Hyfrecator.

The area heals quickly over a matter of weeks (usually 2-4 weeks). Sensible shoes and as much rest as possible will help the healing process. You can normally go back to work soon after the procedure. Your specialist will advise you on this.


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